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TURKUAZ BEGELEIDT U VAN A TOT Z bij de aankoop van uw woning

Do you dream about a holiday in Turkey, in peace and privacy, away from the all-inclusive hotels where mass tourism prevails? Here you are at the right spot.

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  • You'll find a wide selection of luxury appartments and homes for rent in Side, the pearl of the Turkish Riviera and Fethiye, Switzerland by the sea. Also in Kusadasi, we have a nice offer of luxuary apartments! All homes offered by Turkuaz Rentals have been carefully selected, visited and approved.
  • Turkuaz Rentals, through years of experience in selling (holiday) houses (on the Belgian market), is a major player in Side and Fethiye, the most beautiful and popular holiday resorts for people of all over Europe and other parts of the world in Turkey. Trust us!

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